Tips To Help You Plan A Destination Wedding In Thailand

When you and your partner are planning a destination wedding in Thailand, there are many factors you must consider, including finding a suitable wedding package hotel for the event. It will take detailed planning to organise your destination wedding in Thailand, and you may also need a reconnaissance holiday before booking everything. Below are some tips to help you plan your dream destination holiday in Thailand and ensure you have the wedding of your dreams.

Where In Thailand?

One of the first considerations is where you will have your wedding in Thailand and what type of wedding it will be. You may want a beach wedding with all the trimmings or a wedding in the mountains in the north. Select where in the country you want to get married, and then you can look for suitable resorts to hold the event.

When Will You Have Your Wedding?

You will also need to consider when you are having the wedding and look at the different seasons in Thailand. From Mark to May is Thai summer when it is very hot, June to October is the rainy season, and from November to February, the cool season, it is also peak tourist season and a much busier time of the year.

A Legal Marriage Or A Blessing?

Another consideration you have is whether you will have a legal marriage in Thailand, which requires lots of paperwork, or whether you will have a blessing, which is much simpler to arrange. If you want a legal marriage, you must speak to your embassy about the requirements and paperwork required.

Who Will Be Attending?

You will also need to consider who you will invite to your wedding and who is likely to attend. Not everyone can afford to fly to the tropics to attend your wedding, and you must ensure you give everyone plenty of notice. Do not be offended if people cannot attend, and you can always have a party to celebrate when you get home with those who could not go to the ceremony in Thailand.

Finding A Suitable Resort

When looking for a suitable resort for your wedding in Thailand, plenty of options are available. Many hotels and resorts have wedding packages available, and you can have your dream wedding with the people you love and ensure it is a memorable event. Click here to see some of the best resorts you can choose for your tropical wedding in beautiful Thailand.

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